Tips, Links and Tidbits Newsletter


Because friends don’t let friends stay ignorant

Wednesday 27th February 2013


There is a link to this video on the Chemtrail danger further down in the newsletter but I consider this data important enough to share with you as a top priority and to ask you to look at it if it is the only thing in this newsletter you read\watch this week. Once you have seen the video I ask you to share it with those people on your comm lines. If only a fraction of what the speaker says is valid we are in for a wild ride.

There Is No Al Quaeda

There Is No Al Quaeda

The biggest conspiracy theory is that there is no conspiracy.


Computing | Health | Humour | Other
Public Relations and Marketing


Solid state drives a data security risk

No sure way of ensuring SSDs are clean.,solid-state-drives-a-data-security-risk.aspx

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10 Lies and Misconceptions Spread By Mainstream Nutrition

If you only read one article on diet this year, read this one:

The Pharmaceutical Industry Does Not Create Cures. They Create Customers.

This is what happens when you love money and use people instead of the other way around.

A Better Way To Grow

A Better Way To Grow

Chemtrail Data

Stop ChemTrails Now

Stop ChemTrails Now! “If they are not stopped, nothing else matters.”

If you can invest the 28 minutes to watch this, it contains data you probably have not before seen.

Change From Consumption To Production

Change From Consumption To Production

Let alone how therapeutic it is for the soul!

Healing Modalities Under Attack

Healing Modalities Under Attack

Attacks on your civil liberties will likely eventually affect your right to choose what foods you want to buy, the supplements you want to take, and the healing modalities you want to pursue to stay healthy.

Smoking Dope

I have no problem with growing hemp to replace cotton or wood or any other plant uses but to those who would smoke the stuff I tender some data from Dr Anita Pepi of which I think you should be aware:

Marijuana is the common name for a drug from the plant Cannabis sativa. The main active ingredient in marijuana is “THC” = delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. There are 400 other chemicals in the plant as well. The strength of today’s marijuana is as much as ten times greater than the marijuana used in the early 1970s.

Here is a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for THC. (MSDS's are fact sheets required by the U.S. government to be available to employees for potentially harmful substances handled in the workplace.) Here are some of the more fascinating findings:

Application of Cannabis tar to animal skin resulted in tumor production. “Regular chronic use may result in reproductive effects in males including decreased testicular size, testosterone levels, sperm count and motility, and abnormalities in sperm.” Breasts may enlarge in males.
““Females may experience a high frequency of abnormal periods, less ovulation and decreased prolactin levels.” (Decreased prolactin hormone levels means that the pituitary, the master gland, is degenerating and producing less of its hormone called prolactin.)
Repeated ingestion may result in...“apathy, dullness, anxiety, panic, aggressiveness, disorientation, confusion, clouding of mental processes with impaired judgement and memory, loss of perspective, reduced motivation and acute insecurity”.
“Weight gain may occur...”
THC is a “central nervous system depressant. Poisoning may also affect the respiratory, cardiovascular and immune systems.”

Marijuana use has been correlated by several studies with the development of anxiety, psychosis, and depression.

The American Cancer Society says: “Many researchers agree that marijuana contains known carcinogens, or chemicals that can cause cancer...Some researchers caution that... smoking marijuana may decrease reproductive function, cause lung disease, and increase the risk of cancer of the lungs, mouth, and tongue. It may also suppress the body's immune system and increase the risk of leukemia in children whose mothers smoke marijuana during pregnancy. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use marijuana.”

Unfortunately, chemicals from marijuana can stay in the body for decades, stored in the fatty tissues. If someone does a fast, cleanse, or weight-loss program, marijuana residues can dislodge and move back into the bloodstream. People can then re-experience the marijuana and its effects.

When someone ingests or detoxifies marijuana, there is an immediate burn-up of vitamins and minerals in the body. These resulting nutritional deficiencies create other symptoms, on top of the usual effects from marijuana.

Whatever problem marijuana seems to solve in a person’s life, there are far healthier solutions available. Read successes here to find out.

No reason to take risks!

Herbs For Organ Health

Herbs For Organ Health

16 of those are in my top food bar:

Raw Foods and Enzymes

High Enzyme Foods

One of the reasons pancreatic cancer is so deadly so quickly is that the pancreas is the organ responsible for secreting enzymes that control over 5,000 chemical reactions in the body. INCLUDING the chemicals that fight cancer.

A doctor found that if you eat more than 50% of your food cooked, the body starts to manufacture antibodies against it, like the food is an invader.

Cooking destroys enzymes.

Miracle grow: Indian farmers smash crop yield records without GMOs

Reports of record high yields in India...without GMOs and chemicals? Sustainable alternatives to biotechnology are receiving worldwide attention.

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The Start of Line Dancing

The Start of Line Dancing

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A confronting look at the current financial scene.

These days you either informed and aware or a victim.
Don’t be the latter.

Preserve Choice

Preserve Choice

The company names and brands will be different in different countries but the principle remains the same. The concentration of more power in fewer hands does not bode well for your children. Disempower the multinationals who control the governments. Grow your own. Shop local and small.

WARNING: I have a vested interest in promoting this message as I have a small business creating GMO-free, healthy food bars, slices and nutrition powders. I also want a better world for my grand children than we look like leaving them. You are welcome to aid my efforts.

Our Problem Is Civil Obedience

Our Problem Is Civil Obedience

If the duty of youth is to expose corruption, this guy has stayed young!

Sleeping Tony Abbott

Sleeping Tony Abbott

Aboriginal elders took three days to bet to Canberra to talk to a parliamentary committee. Three days. Tony Abbott walked in late and did not apologise. He sat down and went to sleep.


Abbott and Gillard are both shameful options for us to choose between. Please research the independents and let’s get a parliament that represents the people rather than those with the most money to donate to political campaigns.

This does not bode well.

Feds Buy 2 Billion Bullets

Something strange is going on and it does does not bode well. US Federal non-military agencies have bought two billion rounds of ammunition in the last 10 months.

The Obama Administration says that federal law enforcement agents need the ammunition for “mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions.”

Radio show host Mark Levin is suspicious. He commented: “To provide some perspective, experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, the [Department of Homeland Security] is armed now for a 24-year Iraq war.”

A 24-year Iraq war! I’m going to tell you what I think is going on. I don’t think domestic insurrection. Law enforcement and national security agencies, they play out multiple scenarios...

Read more:

Petition To End Slavery

Modern slavery through forced labour is a reality for 14 million people working excessively long hours, under constant fear of violence and without compensation. Their suffering is feeding the global business demand for products at a certain place, at a certain time and for a CERTAIN PRICE.

We need to make sure the products we buy do not cost someone their freedom. Corporate Giants, 25 of the world’s top companies, have immense global buying power and drive the cost – and the conditions - of labour world-wide. They have the influence to cut demand for slave labour and put it out of business once and for all.

Urge Corporate Giants to pledge ZERO TOLERANCE for slavery in their supply chains now

Dog On Dolphin

Dog On Dolphin

On Marco Island, Florida, a group of dolphins came to the aid of a lost Dog that had fallen into a canal and couldn’t get out. The dolphins made so much noise, it attracted the attention of people living nearby, who then rescued the dog. The dog was believed to have spent 15 hours in the canal water before he was pulled out by fire personnel and reunited with his owner. One of the people whose attention was captured by the noisy, demonstrative dolphins said: “They were really putting up a ruckus, almost beaching themselves on the sandbar over there. If it wasn’t for the dolphin, I would have never seen the dog.” (Source: ABC7news) He said also if the dolphins hadn’t persisted enough to get their attention, they dog would have died in the canal. The dog had fallen over the edge of a concrete wall down into the water far enough that it had no chance of getting back up by itself. The dog was exhausted from being in the cold water for hours, and most likely suffering from hypothermia.

Dolphins have been known to sometimes help stranded or injured people as well. In 2007, a pod of dolphins formed a ring around a surfer who was injured and bleeding after being bitten by a Great White shark. The surfer survived because they prevented further bites. No one knows exactly why dolphins have intervened in such emergency situations, and helped save the lives of other species. Suffice to say they are capable of empathy and heroic actions. — with Lacrima Onciul, Nuestros Hermanos Los Animales and Melanie Rae.

We should do as much for them, don’t you think?

Judge Less Observe More

Judge Less Observe More

Kaya McLaren, How I Came to Sparkle Again

Spend Time With Children

Spend Time With Children

Spend Time With Children

Get A Job To Earn Money To Have A Life. Spend All Your Time At Work So No Life!

Get A Job To Earn Money To Have A Life. Spend All Your Time At Work So No Life!

Yeah, makes perfect sense - to avoid!

Every Second Is A Chance To Turn Your Life Around

Every Second Is A Chance To Turn Your Life Around

Take advantage of one of your 86,400 chances today!

To my US mates: Are You A Tenther?


Don’t complain,
Don’t comply,
Give ’em pain,

Nullification is the safest, risk-free, non-violent way to get your country back.

Stay Dedicated

Stay Dedicated

Very little of lasting worth happens instantly.
Most is hard won over a long time.
It takes patience, dedication and persistence to keep going and succeed in the face of an apparently superior force arranged against one.
The first battle one has to win is over one’s mind.
Once you have licked your negatives into submission you are far more powerful against the enemy.

Musicians And Artists

Musicians And Artists

Wise words, well written. Value the artists and musicians because they create the future.

Here’s Your Dose of Inspiration For The Day

Words and images with which to pump yourself. ’Cos how you are is nowhere near as good as how you can be.

Bill HR748 National Service

Bill HR748 National Service

One of the single most destructive things you can do to the youth of a nation is to cause them to put their future on hold to perform compulsory military service.

But the powers that be would not do that on purpose... ...would they?

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Public Relations and Marketing

Google Tolls the Death Knell for Web Directories

The latest heavy-handed, brutish attack on web directories and those who choose to use to them is both petty and spiteful. It’s unworthy of Google, and is bound to have far-reaching consequences. It’s also totally unnecessary, as an equitable outcome could have been achieved by quietly ignoring any perceived low-value links to websites. Deliberately devaluing websites because of links that Google arbitrarily decides are of low value is overkill. It takes no account of several aspects:

Potentially Valuable Data To Marketers

Whether or not you purchase the product the sales pitch contains valuable data.

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Until next time,
dream big dreams,
read widely,
think well of your fellow man,
eat food that is good for you
and do the important things
that make a difference -
they are rarely the urgent ones!


How To Live The Healthiest Life
How To Live The Healthiest Life

Tom Grimshaw creates software, healthy snacks and
is also an optimum wellness researcher/writer who
enjoys bringing you the oldest and newest tips to
improve each of your 12 pillars of Optimal Health.

Check out the special report he has compiled here
How to Live The Healthiest Life

Most of the content herein has been copied from someone else. Especially the images. My goodness some people are talented at creating aesthetics! The small bits that are of my creation are copyright 2013 by Tom Grimshaw - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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